Do you or someone you know have unclaimed money or property? Did you know that you might be an heir to a sum of unclaimed money?
Each state in the nation has an unclaimed money and property office. This unclaimed money and property is turned over to the state by banks, insurance companies, utility companies, and various other institutions, when a person does not claim it over time. Combined, the amount of this unclaimed money and property is well into the Billions of dollars.
For over four years United Refund Services has been helping reunite people with their unclaimed money and property.
This unclaimed money and property most often comes in the form of:
Insurance Policy Refunds
Stocks & Bonds
Bank Accounts
Certificates of Deposit
Safe Deposit Box Contents
Layaway Items
Utility Deposits
You can conduct a free search for state-held unclaimed money and property by using the search feature below. Simply select a state from the choices found on the drop-down menu. Be sure to check all states that you have resided in.
If you are going to conduct an unclaimed money and property search at this time, save United Refund Services into your favorites so you can learn about making money with HUD/FHA refunds afterwards.
Unclaimed Money and Property Search
Note: Federal Government HUD/FHA refunds are not included in these searches
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If you are seeking information about processing HUD/FHA mortgage insurance refunds, refund tracing, refund processing, tracing HUD refunds, filing FHA/HUD refunds, government refund tracers, HUD refund processing, then is all you need to know.