The following is very important consumer awareness information that you should keep in mind when looking into purchasing materials regarding the Third Party HUD/FHA Refund Processor/Tracer program.
Be aware of individuals and/or unverified businesses selling a HUD/FHA Refund Processor or Refund Tracer program that:
Claim that you will be paid by The Department of Housing and Urban Development while performing duties as a Refund Processor or Refund Tracer. If you are told that you will be paid by The Department of Housing and Urban Development, you are simply being lied to.
Do not provide information on how to purchase state listings of unclaimed cases from The Department of Housing and Urban Development, i.e. provide the HUD/FHA state listings order form.
Claim or perhaps appear to be affiliated with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD/FHA does not officially endorse any business; company; corporation; organization; etc., that offers information and/or materials regarding this income opportunity.
Do not provide contact information for The Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Individuals that offer a HUD/FHA Refund Processor or Refund Tracer program that make false claims such as the example above are obviously not operating ''on the level.'' Futhermore, those who choose to withhold information ultimately prevent people from being able to make the most informed decisions.
With this is in mind United Refund Services recommends that you use this consumer awareness information as a reference when looking into purchasing information and/or materials regarding this program.
Note: You can view the listing for United Refund Services at the Division of Corporations website by clicking here. You will see that our initial filing date was August 23, 2000, and that we retain an "active" status.
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